To his beloved

"Exorbitant your reasoning deserves to be,
true it is, my beloved, happiness
in my lifetime plans is inside me.
Dazzling plenitude is what produces to this being,
when convex bends on people's mouths are seen,
when putting hands together, beginning our travel
to the undiscovered beauty; pleased they feel and feed,
as honey for the hive is produced by the bee.
Because you are here...because you will not tomorrow;
permit me divagate and hide this interior sorrow,
Almost your countenance is producing horror.
Linking bodies, dancing with the lips,
softly believing misfortune never hits...
Strong, strong must we be, my beloved,
human ignorance blind admiration can evoke,
as the English poet once wrote.
Before the kiss, downy arms enclose my hips
and ambiguous gazes flame the mind; consider the receiver:
No knowledge is a reference measure to scrutinize
the mourning in the light;
when apparently loving his wife,
the coming day he will realize;
his beloved one, inclining the heart to another man.
Now, would you make the bed? Leaving I am
since your friend is about to arrive".
